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Oha soup ​

Oha or Ora is mostly known in south eastern part of a Nigeria, A traditional soup eaten in most Igbo homes. The main ingredient is the leaves that makes it unique.

Ingredients ​

  • 1-2 bunch of oha leaves depending on family size.
  • half a bunch oziza leaves
  • Red meat or chicken.
  • stockfish, dried fish, smoked fish.
  • Banga fruit i.e palm nut or 1 -2 cooking spoon of palm oil.
  • ogiri,iru(locust beans)
  • Seasoning of your choice.
  • cocoyam or powdered cocoyam.
  • pepper (a must for meπŸ˜‰ )fresh or dried, yellow pepper.

Tools ​

  • Cooking pot
  • Knife
  • Cooking spoon
  • Blender
  • pressure cooker

Method ​

  1. Boil your meat first.

  2. Then put the already boiled meat and in a pot also put your stockfish,driedfish, smokedfish, add onions, then put a little water, cover and let it simmer for 10 minutes

  3. Boil your cocoyam for like 15mins, i like using pressure cooker it saves time.

  4. Remove cocoyam and pound in a mortar or blend using a blender or a food processor.

  5. put cocoyam that pounded, your ground crayfish, ground pepper, salt and let cook for another 10 minutes.

  6. shredded your Oziza and oha leaves preferably with hand no need for knife.

  7. Add your Oziza first (Oziza leaves are stronger than Oha leaves), then add your Oha or Ora leaves.

  8. Let it cook for one minute, then turn off the cooker.

  9. Your delicious Oha soup is ready.

Tips ​

Oha soup is best serve Semovita, Eba, Pounded yam, Fufu, wheat, etc

Author ​

This recipe was contributed by Ijeoma Igboagu.

Released under the MIT License.